Derek and Kristy Johnson

Wycliffe Bible Translators
Papua New Guinea / Ukarumpa

There are currently about 300 Bible-less people groups in Papua New Guinea. Consequently, there is an urgent need for a team of people to support this endeavor, and the Johnson family is a vital part of that team. Derek teaches at Ukarumpa International School's Secondary School where the children of translators and staff can earn a fully accredited high school diploma.  He teaches math and wood shop. Kristy serves as the Clinic Manager at the Ukarumpa Clinic, that cares for missionaries and Papua New Guineans.  The Ukarumpa Clinic provides compassionate care to all, helping them to thrive in their life and ministry.  Their son, Trent, attends Ukarumpa International School and works at a wide variety of small service projects to help the community.  Together, their mission is to make the job of the translators easier by taking care of them and their families. Their grown sons, Grant and Nate, attend university in Michigan and Alberta respectively.